the tract does mention a few attempts that actually harnessed the contradictions to make a montage architecture of shock and disjunction ? partly wagner's siemensstadt bestate/b, designed by hans scharoun (and faced by the obligatory ...
so will ich auch zur Arbeit gebracht werden !!! - Animation Arbeit Commercial Funny bHochhaus/b Lustig Recruit Agent Trapez Werbung. ... Glider Race. Views 96. My Winter bVacation/b. directed by: Franzese Michele Ciro, track: My Winter bVacation/b artist: Populous. Views 64. Brainless - Very Weird and Funny Cartoon ? Brainless - Very Weird... An interesting story of a kid who falls from the sky. Very weird. Very, very funny cartoon! Views 207. Dylan Dog. Indagatore dell incubo. ...
Internationaler bHochhaus/b Preis // until 4th january. UPDATING GERMANY // until 22th feb. New Urbanity // until 22th feb. MUESEUM FÜR ANGEWANTE KUNST FFM Shopstop Christmas// until 21. december 08. Tresure of Evidence // until 22th feb b.../b And when Im really bored, I take atrain to the Airport and go shopping there it helps to dream of bvacation/b?or you go to Hugendubel theres plenty to read for free. or you just stay at home and have a cup of tea with some friends? b.../b